Thursday 2 August 2012

Summer Dinner Ideas: Salmon Salad

Years ago, a friend of mine had introduced me to the "raw food diet". It is exactly what it's called. You just eat raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. 

I didn't follow it exactly but I did have salads everyday for lunch and I snacked on fruits all the time. I noticed a drastic difference in my appearance and in my energy levels. I should say that at the time I was also running and swimming almost daily. I felt so good!

I honestly don't remember why I stopped? I do remember noticing that when I ate one can of processed food a week (it was a Wednesday at work) the weight started to pack back on. One can! Anyhow,

We are trying to eat more healthy here at the Larson residence. I am trying to remember how to make those delicious salads I used to eat.

Here is a yummy combination for a Salmon salad:

Iceberg lettuce
Romaine lettuce
Packaged crunchy salad (with purple tipped lettuces)
Baby spinach leaves
Fresh Dill (I freeze mine and then snip it into my salads)
Baked smoked salmon (I season it with salt and pepper before baking)
Drizzle with Olive oil and some herb salt. 

This combination is also good with tuna and try to resist the mayo. It's good without it.

Not only is eating salads beneficial to our overall health, but it's also nice to not cook over the stove on a hot day and I have noticed less dishes in the sink! Perfect!

Enjoy! x

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